I have approved and created this project but I have some comments: On 8/5/06, Sean Champ <gimmal@gmail.com> wrote:
- ultimately, to make a Linux distribution
Personally I would recommend against this and urge you to put time into the various "lispbox" packages out there (see common-lisp.net/project/lispbox). Or failing that, put time into the CL packages that already exist for Debian. That's just my personal opinion and bears no impact on how you choose to handle the Tioga project.
- To gather, to develop, and to draw focus to a number of 'baseline libraries' for the Common Lisp environment -- one of which would be the SSC project, I observe, recently added to common-lisp.net.
This may be served better as a separate project. Don't try to do too much under one project banner.
- In addition to the other (standard) project mailing lists I would like to request if a 'tioga-admin' list may be initialized for the project.
There's by default a tioga-devel list that you may use for that purpose. Won't that work?
I mean this as in a joke, the following, but with some humor, meant as to be kind in tone: If this would appear as it being a long email for you to read, then will you guess at how it has been, for my to have written this?
I don't know but you need to relax on the typing or you'll end up with tendonitis in your wrists, or worse. Erik.