On 3/21/06, John Wiseman <jjwiseman@yahoo.com> wrote:
I think I'd like to host my Lucene-in-lisp project[1] at common-lisp.net, but I'd like to have support for Trac. I know there was some discussion of you guys installing Trac, and I just wanted to see where things were at. I've done at least one Trac installation, so who knows, maybe I can help.
I intend to install and configure Trac site-wide for all projects at common-lisp.net. I've been wanting to do this since before the move to the last server but I'm dragging my feet just incase the new server turns out to be a disaster like the first one. However, we have 25 days of uptime and have had zero problems so far so I think the time has come to proceed with my projects. I'll announce it to gardeners, cll and #lisp in a week or two when everything is up and running. (I have to move us to apache2 first so there is a little bit of work to be done but not that much.)
What would be ideal is if I could more or less drop in my existing trac and svn repositories and customize the pages to replicate the existing look, but maybe that's asking too much...
Maybe not. For svn that's doable as of right now and I'll keep this in mind when I decide on how to configure Trac site-wide. Thanks, Erik.