Thanks for the suggestion. I figured it out from http://trac.common-lisp.net/gsll/wiki/TracPermissions; you just need to do trac-admin /project/gsll/trac permission add anonymous TICKET_CREATE I logged out and I still see the "New Ticket" button, so I think it's good. I'm not sure how you would do this in bulk for all projects. Liam On 2/24/08, Drew Crampsie <drew.crampsie@gmail.com> wrote:
On 24/02/2008, Liam Healy <lnp@healy.washington.dc.us> wrote:
Thanks Gary, I'm mostly set up. One glitch - it appears that one has to be logged in to submit a ticket on Trac, at least the "New Ticket" button doesn't appear unless you're logged in (in fact it seems to be this way for all the clnet trac projects). Can this be changed so that anyone can submit a ticket?
Do you know anything about trac offhand? If this is a simple configuration change that can be done on a per-project basis, that i've got no problem implementing this.
On 2/24/08, Gary King <gwking@metabang.com> wrote:
Hi Liam,
You _should_ now have a new project in /project/gsll. It has both CVS and SVN setup; it also has a Trac. I let the existing script create the usual three mailing lists (-CVS, -ANNOUNCE, and -DEVEL) and then deleted the first two. You should have received some automated mail that describes most of this.
I run into a few glitches while running the setup scripts. All _should_ be well but please let me know if anything seems awry.