c-l.net admins, please check something out for me (see below): Peter Denno wrote:
I think you just need to login and change the ownership. The problem with the public_html directory is that the permissions are all 644. They should be 664 if others in the cells-gtk group are to be able to modify the files.
Caveat: I am using WinSCP for this. When I select the public_html directory and hit Properties, it pops up a nice, friendly dialog which allows me to tweak this stuff. The protections now are 775 (I just added X to the group)...But! It shows the group as Cells-gt, without the trailing "k". So I bet I get access under the owner privilieges, but that anyone in the cells-gtk group gets treated as an outsider....Oops. That might just be a WinSCP bug (not showing the "k"). When I go for the pop-up on group it shows Cells-gtk, not cells-gt. But then why was Peter seeing 644? But by Unix skills are non-existent, and I am rapidly getting over my head. Can the c-l.net admins confirm this is the problem and suggest how to proceed? Including...
That would work. If you don't think you will be doing much with cells-gtk, allowing the sysadmin to change the ownership to pdenno wouldn't be a bad idea.
cd /project/cells-gtk/public_html; chown -R pdenno .
"changing ownership not permitted" <g> Help!!!!!!! :) kt -- Cells? Cello? Cells-Gtk?: http://www.common-lisp.net/project/cells/ Why Lisp? http://lisp.tech.coop/RtL%20Highlight%20Film "Doctor, I wrestled with reality for forty years, and I am happy to state that I finally won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd