Hello, my name is Levente Mészáros, please find my GPG key attached. We would like to host a Lisp project on your server if we can meet the requirements. The project includes some subprojects too and we are currently using darcs for version control and we would like to continue with it. The main project is called cl-wdim and the subprojects are wdim-util, wdim-meta-model, wdim-rdbms, wdim-documentation and wdim-presentation although we might split these into smaller subprojects in the future. The project is basically an UCW based meta data driven web framework with a CLOS object persistence layer on top of SQL (in fact clsql) plus some extra such as a documentation subsystem. The license is going to be BSD or alike. Project members so far: Attila Lendvai (already has an account) me Hope I did not left out anything, thank you for your help, levy -- There's no perfectoin