24 Aug
24 Aug
11:39 p.m.
My fullname Patrick X Pippen This is a st louis lisp users group project. Project members: Nate Young <youngnh@gmail.com> Patrick X <dabittweiler@gmail.com> Description: Similar in nature to the allegro FTPd application, but solely for SBCL. SB-FTPd is a ftp server for steel bank common lisp written entirely in lisp. Since it is written in Common Lisp, security issues related to buffer overflows has been eliminated. Project Name: SB-FTPd License: BSD-Style License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php -- you must know the ledge of wise and dome to understand your culture of freedom! http://pxpippen.blogspot.com/ http://groups.google.com/group/lispstl Patrick