Dear Mario, you're website says, that you may host free common lisp projects. That's a laudable service to the community. I am not so ambitious to have a project, yet. But I maybe you could be so kind and grant me shell account with access to emacs and CL. Thank you. I just finished school and do not own a computer, though I have frequent access to terminals e.g. in the local library and my parents' old win98 box with aol dial-up. Bare Clisp runs even on their backward system, but you would make me very happy with access to a a real computer and a CL with some useful libraries installed. I have a fairly mathematical background and am fascinated with the theoretical issues of computer science like the dreaded y-combinator, on the other side I would like to toy around with some basic cgi scripts. Maybe some of my ideas will actually turn out to be useful (fat chance) or at least interesting -- perhaps enought to turn it into a real project to host here. I know there are organizations that offer freeshells. But I did not found any with a decent lisp. Would you please help me out? Thank you. Matthias P.S. The web-site suggests, that you, Mario, would understand German as well, but I did not want to take the gamble too far, that you, the person reading this mail, are in fact Mario Mommer. In any case, please pardon my limited English. -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GM/P/>SS/>CC d--(+) s-: a--- C++ UL++ P-? L++ E->+++ W++ N+ o>++++ K?>+ !w-- !O? !M? !V? PS+++ PE++ Y+ PGP>+ t+ 5?>+ X(+) R+ !tv-- b++(+++) DI?>+ D++ G+ e>+++ h+ r+ y+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------