Erik Huelsmann writes:
I've inadvertedly sent mails to
cl-irc-devel@ cl-irc-ticket@ cl-irc-cvs@ usocket-ticket@ usocket-cvs@
from a non-list-member address. Now, I'm getting mails about those mails needing moderation, but I never have had admin passwords to do the moderation required.
Could you provide me with passwords to do this?
I'm changing the admin password on the lists we have you down as "responsible" for. This should, I believe, result in an email being sent to you. Those lists are: cl-irc-ticket usocket-ticket usocket-cvs
The other two lists, we have Brian Mastenbook down as moderator for.
I hope this is of some help, at least.
Absolutely! Thanks! Now I can cancel those reminder mails which keep comming daily :-) bye, Erik. -- GMX DSL-Flatrate 0,- Euro* - Überall, wo DSL verfügbar ist! NEU: Jetzt bis zu 16.000 kBit/s! http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl