Dear common-lisp.net administrators, I'm thrilled to see that common-lisp.net is rapidly gaining momentum as a forum for open-source software developers. I have a few projects that I would like to share with others, and would like to make use of the infrastructure provided by common-lisp.net. The first project is called "cl-snmp". I have developed it more than ten years ago, and have been distributing it on a Web site: http://www.switch.ch/misc/leinen/snmp/lisp/ I sometimes refer to it as "SYSMAN" and sometimes as "lisp-snmp", but I would like to take the opportunity to rename it to "cl-snmp". This code implements version 1 and (community-based) version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). It is a library that can be used to develop network management applications. The code works (or at least worked at some point) on Allegro CL, CMU CL, SBCL, and Genera. I still use it all the time under Allegro. For remote access, it would be most convenient if I could use an account named "leinen", which I can access using SSHv2 with my private key. The public key is attached to this message. With kind regards and best wishes for 2004, -- Simon Leinen. http://www.switch.ch/misc/leinen/