25 Nov
25 Nov
8 a.m.
Hi, I'm looking for hosting for a new project called cl-l10n, a localization package for common-lisp which is to be released under the MIT licence. Project Details ================== Name : CL-L10N License : MIT. Description : CL Localization Package Author : Sean Ross <sdr@jhb.ucs.co.za>. Members : None. Doesn't do much right now but has a bit of p0rn at http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-store/cl-l10n.jpeg Regards, Sean. -- "My doctor says that I have a malformed public-duty gland and a natural deficiency in moral fibre," he muttered to himself, "and that I am therefore excused from saving Universes." - Life, the Universe, and Everything Douglas Adams.