2 Sep
2 Sep
5:30 p.m.
Quoting Mario Mommer (mmommer@common-lisp.net):
common-lisp:/var/www/project# ls -lF cxml lrwxrwxrwx 1 www-data clo 25 Aug 25 21:28 cxml -> /project/cxml/public_html/ common-lisp:/var/www/project# ls /project/cxml/public_html/david@knowledgetools.de--cxml/cmxl/cxml--devel/cxml--devel--1.0/ ls: /project/cxml/public_html/david@knowledgetools.de--cxml/cmxl/cxml--devel/cxml--devel--1.0/: No such file or directory
Oops, subtle typo in that pathname: It's "cxml", not "cmxl".
So I'm either misunderstanding you or there should be no problem..?
Argh! My mistake: Broken DNS configuration. The client which does't see the files is talking to common-lisp.net on, not Sorry for the noise, David