Maciek Pasternacki wrote:
I was invited by Marco Baringer to take part in common-lisp.net projects bese and ucw. For write access to repositories I need an account on cl.net. If there is no other policy about usernames, I'd like to have login `japhy'. My public PGP key is attached (id 992C9815, fingerprint B976 AB58 7EC1 0480 F821 49A9 2E03 AFB6 992C 9815); it is downloadable from my home page (http://japhy.fnord.org/) and should be available from pgp.mit.edu keyserver. If any more data is required please let me know.
i confirm that pasternacki is not lying, he should be made a member of the ucw and bese groups.
- -- - -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget the perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen