12 Jul
12 Jul
3 p.m.
Stelian Ionescu <stelian.ionescu-zeus@poste.it> writes:
My name is Stelian Ionescu and I'm math student in Rome, Italy. I'm writing a BitTorrent client in Common Lisp licensed under the GPL which I've called cl-torrent until I find a better name :) . The project is in early stage and the only complete part is the parser, but now that my exams are over I'm working on it every day. If you accept my request I'd like to use Arch for the repository, if possible
Yes, that's all ok. (I hadn't missed your mail). Usually, lispers prefer the LLGPL as a licence; see bottom of http://common-lisp.net/faq.shtml#lgpl (It is your decission, however). Other than that, I need your PGP key. Regards, Mario.