On 12/16/06, Scott L. Burson <Scott@sympoiesis.com> wrote:
I have a couple of small language extensions I would like to publish on your site. (One extends the behavior of LET to make it more convenient to use multiple values; the other is a simple, extensible iteration macro (yes, another one)). But before I ask you to set up a project for me, let me ask: do you know of an existing project I could simply add this code to?
See some recent discussion on the Gardeners mailinglist http://lispniks.com/cl-gardeners/. See also http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-utilities/, http://common-lisp.net/project/stdutil/, http://www.cliki.net/kmrcl and I'm sure there are many others. In the end, I don't have a problem hosting your utilities in your own project if that's what you want; just let me know when you decide which way you want to go. In addition, please provide a GPG key and license information for the software if you decide you want a project. Thanks! Erik.