Erik Enge <> writes:
I'd like us to group the projects we list on projects.shtml into groups (let's keep the number of groups low to begin with: database, graphics, utility, network, I don't know). In addition it would be nice to add a oneliner description for each project, like:
pg - PostgreSQL interface over tcp/ip, no libraries needed.
Or somesuch.
However, just keeping up with adding projects and debugging various problems with email, anon cvs etc that shows up every now and then keeps me as busy as I want to be. Do we have a volunteer?
Well, I can do it, but it will be next week. How about the following categories. Database Graphics Network System Web-programming Text processing (regex, defdoc, cl-typesetting) Games (there was a MUD engine, right?) Extensions Interfacing ...? Regards, Mario.