On Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 10:58:10AM +0100, Marc Battyani wrote:
I received several suggestions to setup mailling lists for mod_lisp, cl-pdf and cl-typesetting. Can I do this on common-lisp.net ?
CL-PDF is under BSD-style license, and mod_lisp under Apache License, right?
For them at least, I definitely approve.
I'm under the impression that you're not distributing the source to cl-typesetting yet: this makes hosting a mailing list for it at Common-lisp.net slightly controversial. However, since I think there is a clear intent to release it, I approve.
By the by, are you *sure* you want just mailing lists, and not full project hosting?
The point made by some folks on cll is quite true: giving people early access to source is much likelier to bring contributors -- especially giving them CVS/SVN/Arch access as opposed to just tarballs.
-- Nikodemus