audio@usfamily.net writes:
I am very new to CL and want to start adding sensors to my projects and build a robot with LISP. Where would be a good starting point for me to find info on how to hook up sensors with LISP and how to use LISP for a robot? For that matter, where would be a good place to find sensors to use with LISP?
I have built robots before but that was with the Basic Stamp using PBasic. Parallax has a good supply of sensors and many other places have sensors for robotics, however since LISP is a very different language and I am very new to LISP I don't want to spend money on sensors that won't be useable.
Any help in any of these items would be appreciated.
First off, this list is definitely not the right place for this. comp.lang.lisp would probably be your best bet, unless there is a lisp & robotics mailing list lurking somwhere. To answer your question, if the sensor manufacturers provide eg. a C library to interface witht heir hardware (and I would be surprised if they didn't), you should be able to access that library from CL without problems. Details depend on your chosen CL implementation. Cheers, -- Nikodemus Schemer: "Buddha is small, clean, and serious." Lispnik: "Buddha is big, has hairy armpits, and laughs."