15 Dec
15 Dec
8:43 a.m.
On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 04:19:18AM +0100, Luke Gorrie wrote:
Could we hook up Alan Ruttenberg <alanralanr@comcast.net> with SLIME CVS-commit access please?
Oops, I forgot the protocol -- Alan, could you mail your ssh public key to admin@common-lisp.net?
Or rather your GPG/PGP public key. If you don't have one, have a look at htpp://www.gnupg.org for directions and documentation: your account password will be mailed to you encrypted with it. Ob protocol: we should probably require "please add user" requests, etc, to be signed as well. So at the risk of sounding anal retentive -- Luke, could you resend this request accompanied with a GPG signature... Cheers, -- Nikodemus, trying to get hip on this crypto stuff