Hi Edi, I'm sorry for the delay, but we are all a bit busy now ;) Edi Weitz <edi@agharta.de> writes:
I'd like to follow Marc Battyani's lead (actually, I made him do it... :) and use your services to host mailing lists for existing Lisp projects. The plan is that the projects will stay where they are now but will be amended by mailing lists (and maybe CVS access later on). If that's possible, I'd like to apply for the following projects:
- cl-ppcre <http://weitz.de/cl-ppcre/> - cl-gd <http://weitz.de/cl-gd/> - cl-who <http:/weitz.de/cl-who/> - html-template <http://weitz.de/html-template/> - cl-interpol <http://weitz.de/cl-interpol/>
Looks ok. Are these all under the BSD licence?
Plus, it would be nice if I could use a common-lisp.net mailing list for "The Regex Coach" <http://weitz.de/regex-coach/> as well. This application is not "open source" but it's freeware. I don't know if this kind of software is covered by your acceptance policies but I think the program is a good poster child for Common Lisp... :)
That's a good question. I don't see a problem with this particular app. For this app I approve. Regards, Mario.