Nikodemus, Erik, and Mario, Everyone brought up a good point regarding the legalities of the distribution, I'll actually refer this to my legal guy but I don't see this as a problem. For instance, if someone copied the ISO and put it on, that would clearly be a violation. However, this is a living breathing project that is currently well over a year old now. We have many plans and directons to take the CD which means that it's not something I'm going to drop it on your site then forget about. I'll be needing to update the documentation, web-page and ISO image anywhere between a bi-weekly to monthly basis. I'd also like to count the downloads and keep in touch with users via mailing lists etc. With that much artistic control at my disposal, the relationship between myself/LispNYC and becomes one of collaberation and resource sharing rather than simply 'distributing' it. I've attached the CD license for your pleasure, if there is anything that concerns you about it I'd be happy to modify it. ...for instance I can think of adding (or a similiar clause) falling under the umbrella of liability. FYI, although the license sounds like it expects the world to end, it is a standard format for things like compliations. Also the CD is based on the STABLE version of Knoppix. Interesting enough, both Nils Magnus and Klaus Knopper attended LinuxWorld AND the MuSIG group of LispNYC (yes, they are Lisp fans and musicians) where we talked shop, swapped pointers and doused my fears of a live CD actually breaking hardware. Thanks, - Heow