Aloha, as some of you may remember from Planet Lisp posts passim, I have been doodling on a network/system management tool, currently named "noctool". I've had the odd offer of coding help on it and thought that common-lisp.met would be a suitable platform for central version-control and the like. The project, in short, is to build a distributed network and sysem monitoring and data-collecting platform. It currently supports gathering ping RTT data (for delay and aliveness monitoring), disk usage, web server checks and a framework for doing TCP-based application cheks (the web server check is but a special case of the TCP-based checking). In time, I hope to add assorted SNMP-based monitoring. The distribution model is intended both as a means for the viewer portion to conect to the data gatherers and to make it easy (or at least easier) to use multiple data-gathering stations (with the drawback that any given element and the things monitored on that element must be monitored from one of the existing data gatherers). Noctool can also graph all the things it monitors, an example graph can be seen at http://src.hexapodia.net/noctool/disktest.gif MC, I suspect that if you just reply to this, including an ASCII-armoured PGP key, they'll set you up with an account and add you to the project (if, indeed, it is approved). I already have a cl.net account, "imattsson". //Ingvar