Erik Enge <eenge@prium.net> writes:
Mario Mommer <mommer@igpm.rwth-aachen.de> writes:
Yes, I approve too, although I would sugest to choose a different name, simply because 'irc' is already the name of Internet Relay Chat. How obout clirc or something like that?
I agree with that sentiment when we are dealing with trademarked names but I don't think there would be any reason to do this in this instance. Would you also name an SMTP library clsmtp, or an http library clhttp?
I don't think I would name it SMTP, though, simply because it is not SMTP. Like you don't call a garage a car, or a stream a file. It would also be silly to call gtk bindings gtk, or to call CLX just X. Do you think 'UNIX' is a good name for a CL interface to UNIX?
I'd prefer it to be 'irc' but if there are more people agreeing with Mommer then I'm probably missing something and would be ok with a name change.
Hey, it was mostly a sugestion / observation. I don't think you'll have trouble with this, but IMO it is not a good name. Regards, Mario.