Nikodemus Siivola <nikodemus@random-state.net> writes:
What are these project about? (A few lines of description per project is plenty, but just the name is a tad on the light side...)
DefDoc - A CLOS-extensible document creation system which combines the best of Lisp (OOP, dynamic memory management, simple code representation), TeX (aesthetically pleasing wrapping engine, code intermixed with text), and LaTeX (large library of document elements). DefMUD - A CLOS-extensible framework for developing multi-user online role-playing games. Players will all be controlled either by humans or by AI and will have and be able to gain knowledge of skills and spells, in a level-less and class-less system. Define-Window-Manager - A CLOS-extensible window manager influenced by sawfish that uses McCLIM for much of the UI. Can coexist as a one CLIM application in a single lisp instance with any other applications such as a desktop pager, applets, and/or a custom shell. DefPlayer - A CLOS-extensible media player/viewer that uses CLIM. Media are categorized by both predefined and user-definable characteristics and preferences can be assigned dynamically to create random sequences of media to play/view. DefEditor - A CLOS-extensible structured document editor that uses CLIM. Planned document formats include Lisp and DefDoc. Annotations, cross-referencing, documentation (and other information) lookup, and formatting customizations will all be available without compromising compatibility with the normal plain-text document format that is saved to disk. All projects have some code, but none are usable.
What licenses are they under? (We generally recommend MIT/BSD style licenses, and LLGPL in a pinch, but the final choise is yours, of course.)
They will all be MIT-style licensed.
Is the source code somewhere?
The purpose of setting up these projects on c-l.org is so that there can be a publically accessible repository for these projects, so the code will be there when the projects are set up. :) Thanks, -- Rahul Jain rjain@nyct.net