Would it be possible to install ViewARCH on cl.net? It's a ViewCVS like program adapted to arch archives. It's home page is http://arch.bluegate.org/ It requires python >= 2.3 and tla >= 1.1pre8. The install appears to be similar to that of ViewCVS however i personally have never installed it. Due to how tla works apache must be able to read the archive directory, I have no problem with this since my archive's in public_html, I dont know what the other projects have done. I don't know what kind of workload or security issues this would create. I'm offering myself to try and install viewarch (maybe just for the bese and ucw projects) and see what issues spring up, then decide whether to offer it to other projects or kill the idea. -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen