Lineal is a web-based linear algebra calculator. It has all the functions one runs across in an elementary linear algebra course except for stuff dealing with eigenvalues and Graham-Schmidt. It can also save and restore variables across usage sessions. The 'cat' and 'crop' functions are worth mentioning as well, they let the user build onto matrices and break off certain parts of them. Dependencies: Hunchentoot, CL-WHO, and ParenScript I'm running an instance at http://grencez.ath.cx:41938/ for the time being. It does the program more justice than my explanation, but bear in mind, it's through a standard home connection. Some future plans include more general math functionality, a curses interface option, problem-specific interfaces, and set theory concepts. Lineal is now using the MIT License... instead of a home-brewed one. For the record: I, Alex Klinkhamer, am the only developer at this time. My public key is attached. Thanks for the consideration. - Alex