Tåle Skogan <tasko@frisurf.no> writes:
Before the weekend I submitted a request for hosting a cryptographic library project. The original project name was clc (Common Lisp Cryptography), but due to a name clash with another project I was advised to choose another name. This was sound advise and I have changed the name to Crypticl (cl-crypto was also considered, but in the end I felt it was at bit too ambitous for a start-up project). Apart from the name change, the original request is unchanged. For convenience I repeat the request below.
Yep, we haven't forgoten you :-) don't worry. It will take a bit of time because of the issues we already mentioned (which are not your fault). If the resolution of this looks like it will take more than a week from today, we will let you know. Sorry for the delay... Regards, Mario.