Hi Attila,
hi Gary,
I know that Drew has been migrating to a new server and this may be what changed. If I understand you correctly, we need to restore /usr/bin/darcs so that it is a symlink to /usr/bin/darcs-bin. Is that right?
almost. ln -s darcs-script darcs this way, when pushing, the script is called by the client side darcs, which first sets the umask and only after that calls darcs-bin. i'm not sure if this is still needed, recent darcs versions may have a fix for that. without this if you push a patch that creates a new file or directory, then other comitters won't be able to push anything that would alter the same file until issuing a chmod -R g+w by the one who originally pushed the patch that created the file. also note that there may be other alternatives to set the effective umask a binary will run with, but i'm no linux guru. thanks for looking into this! -- attila