>> Well, GPL seems to meet most of my
requirements for licensing
>> issues, so I'll prefer using
>This means that you can't _use_ BSD code and distribute the
>>From section 2 of the
>b) You must cause any work that you distribute or
publish, that in
>whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program
or any part
>thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
>under the terms of this License.
means that you'll have to find a GPL'd compiler to target, and
only be able to use GPL'd libraries. The fact the lisp leaves
>you no
option but to "link" directly to other code makes the GPL far
restrictive than it is for compile-edit-debug languages.
In fact, I'm really far away from open
source licensing issues and can't eloborate precisely at this
Also I've thought about LLGPL, probably it will be really
better than GPL for Lisp development.
As far as I understand, LLGPL is also permitted on