On 6/14/06, Ian Eslick <eslick@csail.mit.edu> wrote:
I'd like to create a new project, "stdutil" for the gardeners Standard Utilities Effort.
stdutil-admin (eslick@alum.mit.edu) stdutil-dev stdutil-announce
Every project comes with -devel, -announce and -cvs lists. Do you also want an -admin list?
A darcs repository (I have a local one I can use to seed the common-lisp.net one)
Yeah, just sent one up and notify me of it's path and I'll add it to darcsweb.
A home page redirect to the documentation server (if I can't host it at common-lisp.net)
Please see index.htmls of, say, the cl-ppcre for an example of how to do this redirect, if we can't arrange to host it on common-lisp.net. I'm not agaist going outside the scope of regular projects but I don't yet have a clear understanding of what this documentation server is. For instance, lisppaste is sort of a "common good" which I am very happy to host on clnet. Can you help me understand what your documentation server will do? Thanks, Erik.