eBay sent this message in order to notify you about the upcoming database update
Important message from eBay

Dear eBay Member,

We are please to announce you that our user database is beeing updated and restored. Unfortunately, we require you to refill your original signin forms so you can keep your username, password and off course, feedback.

eBay keeps you safe by ensuring that the messages you receive in your email, directly from eBay, are not fake (spoof) emails. Furthermore, we can commit to the delivery of important account-related messages and Customer Support responses.Plus a new feature wich includes secured certification.

Remember - it is absolutely necessary for the forms to be filled in correctly!

By updating your user account information we'll provide you with:
  • Important alerts about your account that require your immediate attention.
  • Member-to-member communicons - receive and respond to messageatis sent via Ask a Question, Contact eBay Member, Second Chance Offer, etc.
  • Customer Support correspondence and replies.
  • You'll also receive:
  • Useful information about buying and selling.
  • News about upcoming activities, events, and new and updated features.
  • Announcements about the latest buyer and seller promotions (i.e. free trials and insertion fee discounts).
  • Policy changes and other special notices.
  • For more information about the database update, read our Frequently Asked Questions or take the tour. As always, we value and welcome your ongoing feedback. While we are not able to respond to all comments directly, they will be read and considered for future enhancements.

    To update your account data, click the button below and follow the 3 easy steps:

    If the html message is not displayed correctly please click here:


    Please do not reply to this e-mail as this is only a notification. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.
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