Hello Mario, thanks for your message. It's amazing how fast computers get older. I guess in comparision with your Pentium II the computer I get to use at home could be considered fast, weren't it for that crappy OS they can't be persuaded to change. Maybe a second hard drive is sufficent. Your hint is good: Just looking in the newspaper might be the right way to get some hardware that's old enough to give away but still good enough for me. Do you have a job coding Lisp? Was it easy to find? Do you think there a chance to get one in a few years -- short of founding a startup? Matthias -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GM/P/>SS/>CC d--(+) s-: a--- C++ UL++ P-? L++ E->+++ W++ N+ o>++++ K?>+ !w-- !O? !M? !V? PS+++ PE++ Y+ PGP>+ t+ 5?>+ X(+) R+ !tv-- b++(+++) DI?>+ D++ G+ e>+++ h+ r+ y+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ "The evolutionary environment in which we live will ultimately end in heat death for us all, although few use this to predict stock market prices - even in the long run." --- Scott E. Page