Nikodemus Siivola <> writes:
On Tue, 2 Mar 2004, Erik Enge wrote:
I'd like us to group the projects we list on projects.shtml into groups (let's keep the number of groups low to begin with: database, graphics, utility, network, I don't know). In addition it would be nice to add a oneliner description for each project,
Sounds like a good idea.
However, I think this might work best if we allow projects to categorize themselves. Start with a small number of categories, adding more when requested.
However, just keeping up with adding projects and debugging various problems with email, anon cvs etc that shows up every now and then keeps me as busy as I want to be. Do we have a volunteer?
Now that my connectivity is restored, I can do more "stuff", so whenever you're too busy and it's someting I can manage, feel free to give me a nudge. But I'd hesistate to commitmy self to either writing an engine that the users could use to manage the raxonomy, or maintaining it by hand.
Sigh. So many things to do, so little time.
However, to end on a positive note, how about adding
Looking like so:
((:long-name "Project Thingmajik") (:owner "Mr. King") (:short-description "Project to do stuff.") (:long-description "This project is very ambitious and will do lot's of stuff. However, I'm very busy and won't be able to do any of it, so volunteers are NEEDED!") (:categories "System" "Help Wanted" "Tomorrow The Solar System" "Ping Pong"))
Even if we do nothing with it right now, it still would be neat. ;-) And people could maintain those themselves (by hand) until someone hacks up a webinterface.
I while back a handful of Bay Area Lispniks started working on a website that was intended to be a directory of Lisp libraries (L3, the Lisp Library List). We ran out of steam (or the project is on hold depending on how charitable you want to be). Anyway, came up with a few good bits including some stuff similar to what you just mentioned. Feel free to take a look at the following url's and make whatever use of what's there. I may even be able to help out a bit as I think this is would be an important addition to what is already offering. Though I'm pretty busy these days so don't want to promise too much. Anyway here are some of the good bits: <> -- Code for generating and managing entries in a sexp database of meta information about library. Data driven the basic model of what information we are storing is easily visible. <> -- A sexp database of a few libraries. Each DEFLIB form is similar to what you envisioned above. Our idea was to extract these from the library itself, either from a separate config.sexp file or from the .asd file itself. <> -- Some code that extracts as much information as possible from an ASD file in order to build a DEFLIB. <> -- Some code for generating HTML from the sexp database. Uses templates that can be found in <>. The resulting HTML (essentially mockups) are at: <> <> -Peter -- Peter Seibel Lisp is the red pill. -- John Fraser, comp.lang.lisp