Nikodemus Siivola <nikodemus@random-state.net> writes:
Eventually we hope to compile (or get someone to do it) a short arch howto for common-lisp.net, but one does not yet exist.
[draft - this is based on my experience, comments from ubf, encline and clotnet developers would be nice] [note: this is written in the second person, probably not the best idea] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ How to setup an arch repository for a project hosted on common-lisp.net: Short Version: $ tla make-archive --listing \ 'PROJECT-NAME@common-lisp.net--YEAR' \ 'sftp://LOGIN@common-lisp.net/project/PROJECT-NAME/public_html/PROJECT-NAME@common-lisp.net--YEAR' Long Version: The first thing you'll need is to decide the name of the archive and where, on the cl.net machine's file system, to put the archive. For simplicity we'll assume you'll follow the PROJECT-NAME@common-lisp.net--YEAR convention. Since we want this archive to be accessible via http it must be located in the public_html directory or your project. Arch's http access mechanism does not allow writes to the archive, so developers will access the archive via sftp. The command to create this archive is: $ tla make-archive --listing \ 'PROJECT-NAME@common-lisp.net--YEAR' \ 'sftp://LOGIN@common-lisp.net/project/PROJECT-NAME/public_html/PROJECT-NAME@common-lisp.net--YEAR' Anyone who wants anonymous (read-only) access to the archive will need to do: $ tla register-archive \ 'PROJECT-NAME@common-lisp.net--YEAR' \ 'http://www.common-lisp.net/project/PROJECT-NAME/PROJECT-NAME@common-lisp.net...' Other developers who want read/write access will need to do: $ tla register-archive \ 'PROJECT-NAME@common-lisp.net--YEAR' \ 'sftp://LOGIN@common-lisp.net/project/PROJECT-NAME/public_html/PROJECT-NAME@common-lisp.net--YEAR' Obviously they'll need to have ssh access to the cl.net machine. The last thing you might consider doing is sending an email to admin@common-lisp.net to get the archive added to ViewARCH. -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen