13 Jul
13 Jul
4:09 a.m.
On 9534 day of my life Erik Enge wrote:
If you figure it out before me please let me know and I'll make the appropriate changes, if not I'll look into this towards next weekend.
I have checked Apache 1.3 manual and found this: ,----[ RemoveEncoding Directive ] | ... | | AddEncoding x-gzip .gz | AddType text/plain .asc | <Files *.gz.asc> | RemoveEncoding .gz | </Files> | | This will cause foo.gz to be marked as being encoded with the gzip | method, but foo.gz.asc as an unencoded plaintext file. `---- So, I need <Files ...> ... </Files> part only, previous directives are already effective. I think this part can be enabled globally, can't it? -- Ivan Boldyrev