Done. On 7/31/07, karol skocik <karol.skocik@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, I would like to put my project to common-lisp.net.
my name: Karol Skocik my public key: in attachment project name: patg (patterns on graphs) project description:
PATG is: # Common Lisp library for matching and altering subgraphs in graphs # implemented as domain specific language, uses Lisp's macros to translate declarative graph patterns to fast CL code # written in pure ANSI Common Lisp (except small part for running OS programs, now SBCL only)
PATG can be used as: # integral part of compilers, used for altering the intermediate representation of source language # core of visual languages which are based on graph # model of state of any application which finds representation of problem using graphs natural
license: BSD project member: Karol Skocik
Cheers, Karol Skocik
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