Re: [admin] Re: [Clump] Re: Rebel With A Cause

Nikodemus Siivola <> writes:
On Fri, Oct 31, 2003 at 05:29:39PM -0500, Erik Enge wrote:
Absolutely! How about and a nice index of articles+authors there? Like Eric Marsden pointed out on IRC the
Sounds perfect!
How should we do this to make it most convenient for authors to submit their articles? How about: 1) author sends article to 2) it is "approved" (just to make sure we don't turn into a free-for-all) by the same guys/gals approving projects 3) author gets CVS write privileges to a CVS article module and commits the article. from then on he/she can work on the article directly in CVS 4) author, when comfertable with quality of article, runs ./publish-article <my-article> and araneida+SBCL takes care of things from then on Sounds good? Can you think of a better way of doing it? Let me know, I'm ready to set everything up this weekend and we can be ready to start accepting articles Monday. Someone creative (*caugh* Miles *caugh*;-) could perhaps make a nice CSS sheet for us (personally, I like the layout Sven used)? Erik.

1) author sends article to
Alternatively we could appoint someone of Impeccable Taste and Moral Chracter as an editor(s), and let the submissions go on No need for us to take all the heat. ;)
2) it is "approved" (just to make sure we don't turn into a free-for-all) by the same guys/gals approving projects
3) author gets CVS write privileges to a CVS article module and commits the article. from then on he/she can work on the article directly in CVS
This I sort of disagree with. I think articles would be better written in privacy, and published as they stand. Putting them on cvs is liable to encourage retroactive editing, which I personally dislike.
4) author, when comfertable with quality of article, runs ./publish-article <my-article> and araneida+SBCL takes care of things from then on
Sounds good? Can you think of a better way of doing it?
I think I'd prefer just getting article submissions, and then dealing with them. But I'm not very religious about this issue. Cheers, -- Nikodemus

Quoting Nikodemus Siivola <>:
I think I'd prefer just getting article submissions, and then dealing with them.
Ok, so that's how we'll do it unless someone else can think of a better way: send your articles to (I don't think we'll be flooded) once they are done and we'll upload them. Please do consider coming up with a semi-unified layout, though. Erik.

-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 On Oct 31, 2003, at 6:04 PM, Erik Enge wrote:
How should we do this to make it most convenient for authors to submit their articles? How about:
1) author sends article to
I would be willing to hack up a web submission form using araneida.
2) it is "approved" (just to make sure we don't turn into a free-for-all) by the same guys/gals approving projects
And relevant qualified observers too :-)
3) author gets CVS write privileges to a CVS article module and commits the article. from then on he/she can work on the article directly in CVS
4) author, when comfertable with quality of article, runs ./publish-article <my-article> and araneida+SBCL takes care of things from then on
As an addition, perhaps part of the article can be a lisp form with the title, keywords, and a list of references / relevant URLs that could be searched. I could work on this too.
Sounds good? Can you think of a better way of doing it?
Let me know, I'm ready to set everything up this weekend and we can be ready to start accepting articles Monday. Someone creative (*caugh* Miles *caugh*;-) could perhaps make a nice CSS sheet for us (personally, I like the layout Sven used)?
- -- Brian Mastenbrook -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 8.0.3 iQA/AwUBP6LrOGnXQDi0istxEQKG/wCgoW5IcYb8G6+2SqGzzF5T93TfBaMAn3q1 feSqjKAGRRTePWhbQnwPlw4l =77MB -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

On Fri, Oct 31, 2003 at 06:07:31PM -0500, Brian Mastenbrook wrote:
As an addition, perhaps part of the article can be a lisp form with the title, keywords, and a list of references / relevant URLs that could be searched. I could work on this too.
Sounds groovy. ;) I'm all for this. Cheers, -- Nikodemus

Brian Mastenbrook <> writes:
How should we do this to make it most convenient for authors to submit their articles? How about:
1) author sends article to
I would be willing to hack up a web submission form using araneida.
Features that I would like to see in an article system are: * ability to store multiple revisions of articles, and retrieve any of the versions (for bonus points, also a diff); revision tracking; * ability to retrieve articles in multiple formats (TeX/Docbook source, html, postscript) if the source that the author submits permits easy conversion; also probably other stuff. To interested parties, I suggest having a look at <> (though I'm sure we're unlikely to have to scale to their level in the short term, having some of their features for the end-user would be nice). Cheers, Christophe -- +44 1223 510 299/+44 7729 383 757 (set-pprint-dispatch 'number (lambda (s o) (declare (special b)) (format s b))) (defvar b "~&Just another Lisp hacker~%") (pprint #36rJesusCollegeCambridge)
participants (4)
Brian Mastenbrook
Christophe Rhodes
Erik Enge
Nikodemus Siivola