[admin] Adding you to the elephant project...
Dear Admin, I'm the maintainer of the elephant project. I would like to give Ian Eslick (copied on this note) the ability to commit code to the elephant cvs repository. I have read the common-lisp.net documentation (thanks!) but it is not clear to me if I should make him a member of the project via a request such as this one, or try to do the mentioned "passwordless commits" mentioned on the CVS FAQ page. Whatever is the simplest approach is fine with me. Ian can be a full project member, or he can just have cvs write ability. ---- Robert L. Read, PhD read &T robertlread.net Consider visiting Progressive Engineering: http://robertlread.net/pe In Austin: 912-8593 "Think globally, Act locally." -- RBF
On 1/25/06, Robert L. Read <read@robertlread.net> wrote:
Whatever is the simplest approach is fine with me. Ian can be a full project member, or he can just have cvs write ability.
We'll make him a member of the group which means he can write to your files. I'll need his GPG key. Thanks, Erik.
My public key is (well, should be) attached. Thank you, Ian Erik Enge wrote:
On 1/25/06, Robert L. Read <read@robertlread.net> wrote:
Whatever is the simplest approach is fine with me. Ian can be a full project member, or he can just have cvs write ability.
We'll make him a member of the group which means he can write to your files. I'll need his GPG key.
Thanks, Erik.
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.2rc1 (Darwin) mQGiBEPXvnoRBACary6SutwpCZHqqXg5wS6qQHyB44WDP4r6dApVvydhIKYNrVur tBVZfrNS1XL/0H3OSNWzHXWkvDwh3E4sXcL4CSeJNzjQ91MuBSZd13k2wL/Dr3Fr MMyBwXYbuvUJGwQUR+/ACQ91gRCq16XpyxdiSl/KGLvc5F22T8QN3fiuPwCgyr86 aK9lYG9+1Qt4wvSQTzW6ZWMEAJFhYReMPkp1uXkTcFPudNJN+2sbtAxZmk8aGwS8 oyfSXCM+nWuGmITuiCkVBsSYKUR5RItFEb+YLwEBdODhF4KOwZuym7SBizphly/3 zxE+xYcBbJf2JfLiFRBTZP43TlJNYMS1rLl/vGS2G5DqbrhPB2/aTRCuV7aR9uC/ lL63A/44VUvLnqaA2UvMIQIlf6+MquX+DVv/aiqm92ZFgpF5dM9UV310nAE8SD3+ zeyXzI9/dfkO5OYgFIpjKhZe1ZjCJ+zMk+k6IrE05tkYsNpkmINUcAiHs1oK/awi 6QQMYFlySm/A/5/c7i+m4oFc/MESDVV2Rx9QIgoKOShEP5zJyLQnSWFuIEVzbGlj ayAoTUlUKSA8ZXNsaWNrQGNzYWlsLm1pdC5lZHU+iGAEExECACAFAkPXvnoCGwMG CwkIBwMCBBUCCAMEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRA9Ipy7Rz4bq+D3AKDIODVf5Cr8rTK1 iI1VhmGMfxhy6QCgsry4QHzM34lv+uM4iy4yJfHnmY25Ag0EQ9e+kBAIALxzT3ad BpAL41tBQZMBVAYDQe9H21YiwKbGUMhAqAL8zzoZEqtPCUmvtbm9EtkSDZlWgkVQ pCaB/oigV6GnaWe1R2GMcWjOuLlzEsvtidEylB/ifvFd6uqLiWi3tIl6Iz4kpKhA +MgXGVp8woyUFokvzm2GygkUzie1DlWcJ7tZXIwDPrTNlp6egozt4jL2giPZ+n2l f6WsV4RLpFk4VZ0KclQrHDPP74i8TwxBzOgVcSu0IibS9pODEdpVTUQnp9hYCh0F qDWOMn/Y3V/Rq3Ghnn7j9xsRQrY22IFkvs10oSjKNpjXKJ0gdet7pBOYi8/V6C/c 2jUEorCVDYlLz5sAAwUIAKUnH+nCrVqUv+K7kGJnu081H93KJtHH4f/b/N3l+EPb KGFCIALTi5wpL5AVBEcWGfgrDNt3Va1oK3K+79Chivq0RenD7xrNkEd51nYnaINh rALcHF25TcK/MKMydwLEjr3hV6nwXDugCFisdtX8YDDVycUEnZ5pmmUYII56tdt7 zVL8fuBKBwwDaXkd5ACQ9KpsA/ArONnicBeJqx3Vj9erln7/n+OI7o+W4neiSqdN e288+e6a62ReN07n2Q0E/a+4NHK7Ak0rP5a35x+4LemWym/i54AQXraBCdnV9zqe 4rOaZqhy2dY6m9h/Cvg3Ny8MwDfCUJRhjdttgkuthQSISQQYEQIACQUCQ9e+kAIb DAAKCRA9Ipy7Rz4bqz5OAJ9OCDt1wrrAOPiC8o1IHCCTyMnlZQCfc3+A0vbf9235 iDl5WLkYupEyz4E= =ButY -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
participants (3)
Erik Enge
Ian Eslick
Robert L. Read