It was suggested on #lisp last night that beirc ought to be under version control. beirc is Gilbert Baumann's mcclim irc client (built on top of cl-irc). #lisp seemed to feel that, since gliberth isn't a big user of version control for his stuff, and since there are now a number of us using (or thinking of using) beirc, a common-lisp hosted project might be the way to go. Does this sound right? If so, what needs to be done? I'd be prepared to be responsible for the project if that makes sense. Cheers, David (aka John Q Splittist)

David Murray <dmurray@common-lisp.net> writes:
It was suggested on #lisp last night that beirc ought to be under version control. beirc is Gilbert Baumann's mcclim irc client (built on top of cl-irc). #lisp seemed to feel that, since gliberth isn't a big user of version control for his stuff, and since there are now a number of us using (or thinking of using) beirc, a common-lisp hosted project might be the way to go.
Does this sound right? If so, what needs to be done? I'd be prepared to be responsible for the project if that makes sense.
i can create the projcet with you as the only user, other users can be added/removed later on. ok? -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget the perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen

Marco, Wow. That was quick! Thanks! Could you add Andreas Fuchs as a member of the beirc project? Cheers, David

David Murray <dmurray@common-lisp.net> writes:
Could you add Andreas Fuchs as a member of the beirc project?
done (took a little bit longer since i first added antifuchs then realized that maybe, just maybe, his cl.net username was afuchs...) -- -Marco Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget the perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. -Leonard Cohen
participants (2)
David Murray
Marco Baringer