[admin] Re: write access to web pages directory

c-l.net admins, please check something out for me (see below): Peter Denno wrote:
I think you just need to login and change the ownership. The problem with the public_html directory is that the permissions are all 644. They should be 664 if others in the cells-gtk group are to be able to modify the files.
Caveat: I am using WinSCP for this. When I select the public_html directory and hit Properties, it pops up a nice, friendly dialog which allows me to tweak this stuff. The protections now are 775 (I just added X to the group)...But! It shows the group as Cells-gt, without the trailing "k". So I bet I get access under the owner privilieges, but that anyone in the cells-gtk group gets treated as an outsider....Oops. That might just be a WinSCP bug (not showing the "k"). When I go for the pop-up on group it shows Cells-gtk, not cells-gt. But then why was Peter seeing 644? But by Unix skills are non-existent, and I am rapidly getting over my head. Can the c-l.net admins confirm this is the problem and suggest how to proceed? Including...
That would work. If you don't think you will be doing much with cells-gtk, allowing the sysadmin to change the ownership to pdenno wouldn't be a bad idea.
cd /project/cells-gtk/public_html; chown -R pdenno .
"changing ownership not permitted" <g> Help!!!!!!! :) kt -- Cells? Cello? Cells-Gtk?: http://www.common-lisp.net/project/cells/ Why Lisp? http://lisp.tech.coop/RtL%20Highlight%20Film "Doctor, I wrestled with reality for forty years, and I am happy to state that I finally won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

I just want you to know that you aren't being ignored. Unfortunately, I don't have access to cl.net from my day job, so it will have to wait until this evening for me to fix, unless Mario is available before then. You couldn't run the chown command given to you, since users are not allowed to "give away" a file in that way. Anthony W. Juckel

Anthony Juckel wrote:
I just want you to know that you aren't being ignored. Unfortunately, I don't have access to cl.net from my day job, so it will have to wait until this evening for me to fix, unless Mario is available before then.
You couldn't run the chown command given to you, since users are not allowed to "give away" a file in that way.
Thanks, Anthony. I CCed Peter to let him know things were in the works. kt -- Cells? Cello? Cells-Gtk?: http://www.common-lisp.net/project/cells/ Why Lisp? http://lisp.tech.coop/RtL%20Highlight%20Film "Doctor, I wrestled with reality for forty years, and I am happy to state that I finally won out over it." -- Elwood P. Dowd

Mario Mommer wrote:
Kenny Tilton <ktilton@nyc.rr.com> writes:
c-l.net admins, please check something out for me (see below):
Ok, this problem has been solved. I handed ownership of /project/cells-gtk/* to Peter Denno.
Thanks much. Baby cells-gtk orphaned again, from Vasilis to Kenny to Peter. I acnnot wait to see how this all turns out. :) kt
participants (3)
Anthony Juckel
Kenny Tilton
Mario Mommer