Dear Mario, you're website says, that you may host free common lisp projects. That's a laudable service to the community. I am not so ambitious to have a project, yet. But I maybe you could be so kind and grant me shell account with access to emacs and CL. Thank you. I just finished school and do not own a computer, though I have frequent access to terminals e.g. in the local library and my parents' old win98 box with aol dial-up. Bare Clisp runs even on their backward system, but you would make me very happy with access to a a real computer and a CL with some useful libraries installed. I have a fairly mathematical background and am fascinated with the theoretical issues of computer science like the dreaded y-combinator, on the other side I would like to toy around with some basic cgi scripts. Maybe some of my ideas will actually turn out to be useful (fat chance) or at least interesting -- perhaps enought to turn it into a real project to host here. I know there are organizations that offer freeshells. But I did not found any with a decent lisp. Would you please help me out? Thank you. Matthias P.S. The web-site suggests, that you, Mario, would understand German as well, but I did not want to take the gamble too far, that you, the person reading this mail, are in fact Mario Mommer. In any case, please pardon my limited English. -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GM/P/>SS/>CC d--(+) s-: a--- C++ UL++ P-? L++ E->+++ W++ N+ o>++++ K?>+ !w-- !O? !M? !V? PS+++ PE++ Y+ PGP>+ t+ 5?>+ X(+) R+ !tv-- b++(+++) DI?>+ D++ G+ e>+++ h+ r+ y+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------

Hello Matthias, Matthias Goergens <mgoerg@siemens.sn.uni-magdeburg.de> writes:
you're website says, that you may host free common lisp projects. That's a laudable service to the community. I am not so ambitious to have a project, yet. But I maybe you could be so kind and grant me shell account with access to emacs and CL. Thank you.
As a matter of fact, we do not do that. People programm and do all that stuff on their own computers, as otherwise the server would be badly overloaded (which it sometimes is anyways, mind you). We only provide disk space and some services (cvs, rsync, web, mailing lists) strictly for projects. So I'm afraid I cannot grant you your request.
I just finished school and do not own a computer, though I have frequent access to terminals e.g. in the local library and my parents' old win98 box with aol dial-up. Bare Clisp runs even on their backward system, but you would make me very happy with access to a a real computer and a CL with some useful libraries installed. I have a fairly mathematical background and am fascinated with the theoretical issues of computer science like the dreaded y-combinator, on the other side I would like to toy around with some basic cgi scripts. Maybe some of my ideas will actually turn out to be useful (fat chance) or at least interesting -- perhaps enought to turn it into a real project to host here.
As a matter of principle, we only host projects and give shell to those with commit rights to those projects. So, sorry. In any case, it is nice that you have an interest in this kind of stuff. That's the future! :-) At home I develop on an old 233Mhz pentium II that is considered junk by everyone who sees it. It works ok. If you grab an issue of your local ''kleinanzeiger'', you'll see people giving stuff like that, or better, essentially for free.
I know there are organizations that offer freeshells. But I did not found any with a decent lisp. Would you please help me out? Thank you.
We have here a decent lisp but becaue of the load issues, it only is run by one person, who also provides a service.
Matthias P.S. The web-site suggests, that you, Mario, would understand German as well, but I did not want to take the gamble too far, that you, the person reading this mail, are in fact Mario Mommer. In any case, please pardon my limited English.
While it is true that I'm the guy who is essentially responsible for this, I'm not the only one doing stuff here :-) just in case. I should change that note to reflect that. If you have further comments or questions please consider contacting me personally (my email address is in the header of this mail), as the admin list is an open list. Regards, Mario.

Hello Mario, thanks for your message. It's amazing how fast computers get older. I guess in comparision with your Pentium II the computer I get to use at home could be considered fast, weren't it for that crappy OS they can't be persuaded to change. Maybe a second hard drive is sufficent. Your hint is good: Just looking in the newspaper might be the right way to get some hardware that's old enough to give away but still good enough for me. Do you have a job coding Lisp? Was it easy to find? Do you think there a chance to get one in a few years -- short of founding a startup? Matthias -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GM/P/>SS/>CC d--(+) s-: a--- C++ UL++ P-? L++ E->+++ W++ N+ o>++++ K?>+ !w-- !O? !M? !V? PS+++ PE++ Y+ PGP>+ t+ 5?>+ X(+) R+ !tv-- b++(+++) DI?>+ D++ G+ e>+++ h+ r+ y+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ "The evolutionary environment in which we live will ultimately end in heat death for us all, although few use this to predict stock market prices - even in the long run." --- Scott E. Page

Matthias Goergens <mgoerg@siemens.sn.uni-magdeburg.de> writes:
have a project, yet. But I maybe you could be so kind and grant me shell account with access to emacs and CL. Thank you. [...] I know there are organizations that offer freeshells. But I did not found any with a decent lisp. Would you please help me out? Thank
You may try SDF: http://sdf.lonestar.org/ They provide free shell acces to OpenLisp, a good ISLISP system (type `lisp' at the prompt). ISLISP is not Common Lisp, but is "culturally close". Paolo -- Lisp Propulsion Laboratory log - http://www.paoloamoroso.it/log

Dear Paolo,
You may try SDF: [...] They provide free shell acces to OpenLisp, a good ISLISP system (type `lisp' at the prompt). ISLISP is not Common Lisp, but is "culturally close".
Thanks for pointing out. I'll look into it. Maybe there's even a textbook about it in the local library. Paper's easy to stare at than screen. Matthias
participants (3)
Mario Mommer
Matthias Goergens
Paolo Amoroso