Hello, I'm Mikel Bancroft (mikel@franz.com). I'm going to be the person responsible for using SLIME with Allegro CL and working (or providing fixes) with you to improve how they cooperate. I'd be the guy, then, that you'd give cvs write access to rather than Craig. I've appended my public pgp key. Also, i subscribed to gmane.lisp.slime.devel today. I'll be installing slime this afternoon so I can get acclimated with the environment. At some point I figure i'll be able to take a more active role in discussing some of the compatibility issues that appear in the newsgroup as well as some of the open tickets we have in our bug tracking system. If you've got any questions for me or have any suggestions please let me know. Regards, Mikel Bancroft mikel@Franz.COM http://www.franz.com/ Franz Inc., 555 12th St., Suite 1450, Oakland, CA 94607, USA Phone: (510) 452-2000 FAX: (510) 452-0182
-----Original Message----- From: Helmut Eller [mailto:e9626484@stud3.tuwien.ac.at] Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 1:57 PM To: Mario Mommer Cc: Craig Norvell Subject: Re: [admin] New CVS user for SLIME.
Mario Mommer <mmommer@common-lisp.net> writes:
we would like to give Craig Norvell <cnorvell@franz.com> CVS write permissions for SLIME. Can you do that for us?
I need his PGP key.
could you send your PGP key to admin@common-lisp.net? You will then receive an encrypted mail with the ssh keys. See http://www.gnupg.org for documentation about the crypto stuff.
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (Cygwin) mQGiBEGjl84RBADPvu3iANhMSUdNcjibyxT8Vt6x3UUxb5ad3IZ/A6rGBF2zXIBa 2GtY0jTQMV/p1ndwIfNkJQhzALWxMkVi8lzumLP1XR/OLbGkmBA8OXtPPCoW3TdY fKaWEO7HZxB1d/z/W81U7+ae7oEUAAK/Uq/rWNdIGqzI0pPXMiWkv0q36wCgmHiB a1YNW3CykSDNnMNrs1thvWsEAK6XCdJfEjTy4TMieoAJJ1HcX/TS0r9s2E5FA/uI ujjDTYFwB2Y6zaaIO1HdGYvPZfpWclhrpnEfJydOSw84Zn7ESQ3ANNDrJ39KWU2O 6ThV4204jtc8NWsN2kbN848+nyTCTpdpEDoZ/8/Bd1XI8Y0inqPP3wxAco2TEd7z 5YljA/9PHdYgkpyaoXIvr5zAKhdPHW/ZdQv4ypZFBF2vxlh2Bi6Bmaj+SRMxvZJb WSk6br861TE5MESFXSxQEcqYUyogHxtrEQ/nUkBU6prb6amp/Yj+S/EiU4pBdT90 HubJqcpQYuRITyTT7XwnfGIq/DJBn9AwPU3vLLLuNj8sXExJ27QuTWlrZWwgQmFu Y3JvZnQgKGwnw6l0cmFuZ2VyKSA8bWlrZWxAZnJhbnouY29tPohbBBMRAgAbBQJB o5fOBgsJCAcDAgMVAgMDFgIBAh4BAheAAAoJENFrwbzkaefnF7sAmwfcr84QADiC xj6eJAeo8XFWH+inAJ0XTg0uNQNT8Y3wVj8OoHKedHDlS7kBDQRBo5fQEAQA2F8S BNN5arCt9v+tGpTTKigi1USYEQhoL4RulAdYdlqWQu6OXkxmQDtGop8xWTKqQ0pP vXtBn/v+D3+eB/gX+tkRbU3cZXlF91jjFTveCIYc1OPGPJv0Y1vIlPrP7hmVH40p R79x5nM77g0IWXzHOki0SdwKUoOBXA66gxbL6XcAAwUD/0QTJdSo6OA17cS7U5VD QoNL/K5bdaiPYPKrM+wyx9nubWCIQdwFWyhLCc2VJ9LSeLoFcKCvq15vjeZVG8zA K/nmOmzPjw2smIAtwxrYCW9n5qYGXo0dhy4xstCGanHfno9ht0OcAIBDjgcgt97q 9bykOo5On2f5BGTUER0k3uESiEYEGBECAAYFAkGjl9AACgkQ0WvBvORp5+dQJwCe MJ90qIe3Y+FJ8QsIbs26bmpfVBAAnRtiIr5nQp4rVCDW4RVEH9sWjzMr =9Ton -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----

Hi Mikel,
I'm Mikel Bancroft (mikel@franz.com). I'm going to be the person responsible for using SLIME with Allegro CL and working (or providing fixes) with you to improve how they cooperate.
Welcome aboard! I don't currently know the admin password on common-lisp.net so somebody else will need to add you to CVS.
I'll be installing slime this afternoon so I can get acclimated with the environment. At some point I figure i'll be able to take a more active role in discussing some of the compatibility issues that appear in the newsgroup as well as some of the open tickets we have in our bug tracking system.
Thank you. This will be very good. Please send us a note on the list any time you have questions. We also have a HACKING file in CVS that documents a few conventions (mostly how we handle the ChangeLog). Cheers, Luke
participants (2)
Luke Gorrie
Mikel Bancroft