[admin] Projet hosting submission

I have a project i would like to be hosted at common-lisp.net. Here is some information : Name of the project : cl-octave My full name : Frédéric Nicolier License : BSD description The goal of this project is to provide a link between octave programming language and common-lisp. In signal and image processing tasks, octave/matlab is often use due to the presence of the toolboxes. Lots of users have developped their own codes. The goal of this project is to allow octave/matlab users to gently migrate to common-lisp without a complete rewritting of their codes. Actually, i've written a operational package but it works only on cmucl. I need some little work to get a portable version. regards Fred -- Dr. Frederic Nicolier Maitre de conferences, laboratoire CReSTIC - URCA Animateur du projet ANITA : http://f.nicolier.free.fr Responsable des licences professionnelles : - Conception Electronique de Systèmes Automatisés - Mécatronique Dept. GE&II, IUT de Troyes 9 rue de Quebec 10026 Troyes Cedex Tel: 03 25 42 71 01 Std: 03 25 42 46 46 Fax: 03 25 42 46 43 email: f.nicolier(AT)iut-troyes.univ-reims.fr

Fred Nicolier <f.nicolier@iut-troyes.univ-reims.fr> writes:
I have a project i would like to be hosted at common-lisp.net. Here is some information :
Name of the project : cl-octave My full name : Frédéric Nicolier License : BSD
The goal of this project is to provide a link between octave programming language and common-lisp.
In signal and image processing tasks, octave/matlab is often use due to the presence of the toolboxes. Lots of users have developped their own codes. The goal of this project is to allow octave/matlab users to gently migrate to common-lisp without a complete rewritting of their codes.
Actually, i've written a operational package but it works only on cmucl. I need some little work to get a portable version.
Sounds great! I'll contact you privately for the details of setting this project up. Regards, Mario.
participants (2)
Fred Nicolier