[admin] Hamburg Lispers Mailing List

Hi! I'm currently maintaining the list for the Hamburg (and Berlin) Lispers which is used to coordinate occasional meetings. This "list" is actually nothing but an account and a .forward file on one of my machines at home. As I'm about to re-arrange a couple of things I have to move this somewhere else. We could use something like Yahoo! lists but I think it'd be nicer to host this list on common-lisp.net if that's possible. So, I'd like to apply for a "mailing list only" project like "regex-coach". The name of the list should be "lisp-hh" and it'd be very helpful if you could initially subscribe the following members edi@agharta.de ssekkat@gmx.de grabarske@gmx.net joswig@lispmachine.de david@lichteblau.com ahz@snafu.de ahz@smi.de unk6@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de ngo@cartan.de benno.biewer@berlin.de awillig@hpi.uni-potsdam.de helmut@cybernetic-systems.de Henner.Bartels@Hamburg.de schween@snafu.de Joerg-Cyril.Hoehle@t-systems.com alemmens@xs4all.nl hkirschk@csc.com tekai@gmx.li hans@huebner.org Andrej_Bondar@gmx.net tim@tenkan.org costanza@web.de a.thieme@freenet.de uho@xlerb.de dam@baltic-online.de KilianSprotte@web.de lars@dbdmedia.de manuel@bl0rg.net such that they get a welcome email with an automatically generated password. Thanks in advance, Edi.

Edi Weitz <edi@dbdmedia.de> writes:
I'm currently maintaining the list for the Hamburg (and Berlin) Lispers which is used to coordinate occasional meetings. This "list" is actually nothing but an account and a .forward file on one of my machines at home. As I'm about to re-arrange a couple of things I have to move this somewhere else. We could use something like Yahoo! lists but I think it'd be nicer to host this list on common-lisp.net if that's possible.
In principle, I guess, it is. There are a few local groups around. I wonder if we should open an umbrella project for this type of list. Ideas? Regards, Mario.

Erik Enge <erik@nittin.net> writes:
On Apr 28, 2004, at 4:08 PM, Edi Weitz wrote:
The name of the list should be "lisp-hh" and it'd be very helpful if you could initially subscribe the following members
Should I put this up as a project? It somehow does not feel right. How about an umbrella project for local groups? Regards, Mario.

On Apr 30, 2004, at 8:34 AM, Mario Mommer wrote:
Should I put this up as a project? It somehow does not feel right.
I added it to independent-lists, isn't that enough?
How about an umbrella project for local groups?
I'm not against it but what value does it add? If someone wants such a project I'm all for it. Erik.

Erik Enge <erik@nittin.net> writes:
On Apr 30, 2004, at 8:34 AM, Mario Mommer wrote:
Should I put this up as a project? It somehow does not feel right.
I added it to independent-lists, isn't that enough?
Well, yes. Just checking.
How about an umbrella project for local groups?
I'm not against it but what value does it add? If someone wants such a project I'm all for it.
Ok, ok. Let's wait until there is a better reason that "just because it seems TRT".... :-) Regards, Mario.

On Fri, 30 Apr 2004, Mario Mommer wrote:
How about an umbrella project for local groups?
Dunno. My first reaction is that as long as there is no actual need for an umbrella, why bother. Another take would be to create an entire other _section_ for local groups -- http://www.common-lisp.net/lispers/, or something like that. But that's probably even more trouble for even less gain... Cheers, -- Nikodemus
participants (5)
Edi Weitz
Edi Weitz
Erik Enge
Mario Mommer
Nikodemus Siivola