I want to change a commit message. In Subversion, one needs to provide a hook script to do it.
The default (pre-revprop-change.tmpl) allows only editing of log messages. I've renamed the one in the usocket repository to pre-revprop-change and wanted to set the executable bit for group and owner, but alas, the site config won't allow it.
Could you set the right bits for me please?
Would it be a good idea to enable log message editing by default, btw ie for all svn repositories on c-l.n?
Thanks in advance!
On 10/18/06, Erik Huelsmann e.huelsmann@gmx.net wrote:
Could you set the right bits for me please?
(Admins: /project/usocket/svn/hooks was owned by root so I chown'd it to ehuelsmann, since he's the project owner. You can find out who's the owner by grep'ing for the project in /etc/group; the first username who is a member of that group is the owner.)
Would it be a good idea to enable log message editing by default, btw ie for all svn repositories on c-l.n?
If one more person asks for it (you're the only one so far) I'll enable it site-wide.
Thanks, Erik.