I'm asking for hosting of my pet project, LIFP, which stands for Lisp Interactive Fiction Project and provides a library for creating Interactive Fiction in Common Lisp. So, here are the details... Name: Timofei Shatrov Email: grue@mail.ru Any other members: not yet Name of project: lifp License: BSD gpg public key: eh? What it is? Is it necessary? I'd like a darcs repository, because it seems easier to use... Thank you in advance.

On 2/4/06, Тимофей Шатров <grue@mail.ru> wrote:
gpg public key: eh? What it is? Is it necessary?
The key is needed so I can encrypt your password before sending it to you. http://www.gnupg.org has some good information. Simply create key and export it via 'gpg -a -export <KEYID>" and send the output to me. Thanks, Erik.

Done. When you have created your darcs repository please email me the path and name and I'll add it to darcsweb. Thanks, Erik.
participants (2)
Erik Enge
Тимофей Шатров