[admin] Request for New Project

Hey, My name is Abhijit Rao (online handle 'quasi'). I work for Cleartrip.com. In the recent work we have been doing here, we have written a small library for interfacing with the memcached in memory cache. We have been using the code for the past few months and it has proven to be quite useful to us. With the gracious permission of our head Mr.Hursh Bhatt, we want to release it for general public use. The licence would be BSD. I would like to host the project on common-lisp.net. The project members would be : Abhijit Rao <quasilists@gmail.com> Chaitanya Gupta <mail@chaitanyagupta.com> thanks, quasi

I will need the GPG keys of the members in order to send your passwords. On 6/5/07, quasi <quasilists@gmail.com> wrote:
My name is Abhijit Rao (online handle 'quasi'). I work for Cleartrip.com. In the recent work we have been doing here, we have written a small library for interfacing with the memcached in memory cache. We have been using the code for the past few months and it has proven to be quite useful to us. With the gracious permission of our head Mr.Hursh Bhatt, we want to release it for general public use. The licence would be BSD.
I would like to host the project on common-lisp.net. The project members would be : Abhijit Rao <quasilists@gmail.com> Chaitanya Gupta <mail@chaitanyagupta.com>
thanks, quasi _______________________________________________ admin mailing list admin@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/admin

Keys uploaded to the pgp.mit.edu server. Also attached. Abhijit Rao : E7A5706E Chaitainya Gupta : 01FA3F9E thanks, quasi Erik Enge wrote:
I will need the GPG keys of the members in order to send your passwords.
On 6/5/07, quasi <quasilists@gmail.com> wrote:
My name is Abhijit Rao (online handle 'quasi'). I work for Cleartrip.com. In the recent work we have been doing here, we have written a small library for interfacing with the memcached in memory cache. We have been using the code for the past few months and it has proven to be quite useful to us. With the gracious permission of our head Mr.Hursh Bhatt, we want to release it for general public use. The licence would be BSD.
I would like to host the project on common-lisp.net. The project members would be : Abhijit Rao <quasilists@gmail.com> Chaitanya Gupta <mail@chaitanyagupta.com>
thanks, quasi _______________________________________________ admin mailing list admin@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/admin
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Done. On 6/5/07, quasi <quasilists@gmail.com> wrote:
My name is Abhijit Rao (online handle 'quasi'). I work for Cleartrip.com. In the recent work we have been doing here, we have written a small library for interfacing with the memcached in memory cache. We have been using the code for the past few months and it has proven to be quite useful to us. With the gracious permission of our head Mr.Hursh Bhatt, we want to release it for general public use. The licence would be BSD.
I would like to host the project on common-lisp.net. The project members would be : Abhijit Rao <quasilists@gmail.com> Chaitanya Gupta <mail@chaitanyagupta.com>
thanks, quasi _______________________________________________ admin mailing list admin@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/admin

Many thanks! cheers, quasi Erik Enge wrote:
On 6/5/07, quasi <quasilists@gmail.com> wrote:
My name is Abhijit Rao (online handle 'quasi'). I work for Cleartrip.com. In the recent work we have been doing here, we have written a small library for interfacing with the memcached in memory cache. We have been using the code for the past few months and it has proven to be quite useful to us. With the gracious permission of our head Mr.Hursh Bhatt, we want to release it for general public use. The licence would be BSD.
I would like to host the project on common-lisp.net. The project members would be : Abhijit Rao <quasilists@gmail.com> Chaitanya Gupta <mail@chaitanyagupta.com>
thanks, quasi _______________________________________________ admin mailing list admin@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/admin

hey, sorry for the bother, but I am unable to log into the mailman interface for cl-memcached. what is the auth password for this ? I tried my shell login password and my trac login password - both failed. sorry for the bother, but I am doing this for the first time. thanks, quasi Erik Enge wrote:
On 6/5/07, quasi <quasilists@gmail.com> wrote:
My name is Abhijit Rao (online handle 'quasi'). I work for Cleartrip.com. In the recent work we have been doing here, we have written a small library for interfacing with the memcached in memory cache. We have been using the code for the past few months and it has proven to be quite useful to us. With the gracious permission of our head Mr.Hursh Bhatt, we want to release it for general public use. The licence would be BSD.
I would like to host the project on common-lisp.net. The project members would be : Abhijit Rao <quasilists@gmail.com> Chaitanya Gupta <mail@chaitanyagupta.com>
thanks, quasi _______________________________________________ admin mailing list admin@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/admin

I sent password reminders, you should have them shortly. On 8/3/07, quasi <quasilists@gmail.com> wrote:
hey, sorry for the bother, but I am unable to log into the mailman interface for cl-memcached. what is the auth password for this ? I tried my shell login password and my trac login password - both failed.
sorry for the bother, but I am doing this for the first time.
thanks, quasi
Erik Enge wrote:
On 6/5/07, quasi <quasilists@gmail.com> wrote:
My name is Abhijit Rao (online handle 'quasi'). I work for Cleartrip.com. In the recent work we have been doing here, we have written a small library for interfacing with the memcached in memory cache. We have been using the code for the past few months and it has proven to be quite useful to us. With the gracious permission of our head Mr.Hursh Bhatt, we want to release it for general public use. The licence would be BSD.
I would like to host the project on common-lisp.net. The project members would be : Abhijit Rao <quasilists@gmail.com> Chaitanya Gupta <mail@chaitanyagupta.com>
thanks, quasi _______________________________________________ admin mailing list admin@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/admin
_______________________________________________ admin mailing list admin@common-lisp.net http://common-lisp.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/admin
participants (2)
Erik Enge