1. FULL NAME: Heinrich Konrad Taube 2. PROJECT NAME [HTML] λgtk [UNIX] lambda-gtk 3. MEMBERS: I would defer to the advise/experience of the common-lisp.net administrators on how this is best handled. I would hope that any competent programmer with an interest in helping could join but I don't know how to construct such a filter! 4. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT λgtk (UNIX name: lambda-gtk) is a cross-platform Lisp interface to the complete GTK+2 family of shared libraries. λgtk provides Lisp programmers with the following set of features: o Portable GUI programming across the supported Lisp environments. o Automatic conversion between Lisp data (booleans, numbers, strings) and their GTK types. o Lisp names for GTK's enums, structs and functions. o Lisp accessor functions to read/write slot values in GTK structs. o A GTK symbol package that defines and exports the GTK API. o A small set of utilities for working with GTK pointers, callbacks and foreign data in a portable way Because GTK is so large and complex the λgtk interface is generated from a GTK definition file (gtk.ffi) and an API control file (gtk.api) that can be edited in order to generate more or less inclusive interfaces to GTK. λgtk currently runs in the following Lisp environments: o PPC/Darwin OpenMCL 0.14.2-p1 o PPC/Darwin SBCL 0.8.15 o x86/Linux SBCL 0.8.16 o x86/Linux CMUCL 19a One "goal" of the project would be to add additional back ends for other bindings (for example to CLISP/Windows and even Guile). λgtk is released under the LLGPL (Lisp Lesser Gnu Public License). Rick Taube Associate Professor, Composition/Theory School of Music University of Illinois Urbana, IL 61821 USA net: taube@uiuc.edu fax: 217 244 8319 vox: 217 244 2684

Hi! taube@uiuc.edu writes:
1. FULL NAME: Heinrich Konrad Taube
2. PROJECT NAME [HTML] λgtk [UNIX] lambda-gtk
3. MEMBERS: I would defer to the advise/experience of the common-lisp.net administrators on how this is best handled. I would hope that any competent programmer with an interest in helping could join but I don't know how to construct such a filter!
The usual way to handle this is as follows: - A few programmers keep the core repo. - The rest sends patches. Usually, if someone is sending in good patches at a regular basis, has serious interest, and the project leader feels like giving him access, then one gives him access. On our side only a gpg signed note is needed. You can of course use arch/darcs or so instead of cvs to have a less centralistic approach.
λgtk (UNIX name: lambda-gtk) is a cross-platform Lisp interface to the complete GTK+2 family of shared libraries. λgtk provides Lisp programmers with the following set of features:
o Portable GUI programming across the supported Lisp environments. o Automatic conversion between Lisp data (booleans, numbers, strings) and their GTK types. o Lisp names for GTK's enums, structs and functions. o Lisp accessor functions to read/write slot values in GTK structs. o A GTK symbol package that defines and exports the GTK API. o A small set of utilities for working with GTK pointers, callbacks and foreign data in a portable way
Because GTK is so large and complex the λgtk interface is generated from a GTK definition file (gtk.ffi) and an API control file (gtk.api) that can be edited in order to generate more or less inclusive interfaces to GTK.
λgtk currently runs in the following Lisp environments: o PPC/Darwin OpenMCL 0.14.2-p1 o PPC/Darwin SBCL 0.8.15 o x86/Linux SBCL 0.8.16 o x86/Linux CMUCL 19a One "goal" of the project would be to add additional back ends for other bindings (for example to CLISP/Windows and even Guile).
λgtk is released under the LLGPL (Lisp Lesser Gnu Public License).
Sounds all (quite!) ok to me. ...even being myself the mantainer and developer of the rival lgtk :-) Ok. The further procedure just is: we need you PGP key. Then we can open the project. Regards, Mario.
participants (2)
Mario Mommer