[admin] request to add asimon to cells-gtk group
Hi, Could Andras Simon (login asimon) be added to the cells-gtk unix group? (Is this all that need be done to allow him to do commits to the cells-gtk CVS repository? I suppose he already has his ssh public key on common-lisp.net) Thanks! - Peter ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- Subject: Re: [cells-gtk-devel] SBCL patches Date: Wednesday 07 June 2006 17:05 From: Andras Simon <asimon@math.bme.hu> To: Peter Denno <peter.denno@nist.gov> Hi Peter, Thanks for applying the patches! Could you also add gtk-ffi/package.lisp to the repo? I sent it along with the diffs, but I'm attaching it now for convenience (it contains all the exports I removed from various source files). CVS access would be useful for cases like this. I'm not up to the task of dealing with non-trivial patches to cells-gtk, but it'd be nice if I didn't have to nag you with every typo I find. I've got a c-l.net account (asimon). Andras On Wed, 7 Jun 2006, Peter Denno wrote:
Hi Andras,
I committed the patches. BTW, if you'd like CVS access yourself, I'm sure we can arrange that.
------------------------------------------------------- -- - Best regards, Peter
On 6/8/06, Peter Denno <peter.denno@nist.gov> wrote:
Could Andras Simon (login asimon) be added to the cells-gtk unix group?
Yes, but since Kenny Tilton (CC'd) is the maintainer on file he'll have to request the addition. Kenny, can you approve this request?
(Is this all that need be done to allow him to do commits to the cells-gtk CVS repository? I suppose he already has his ssh public key on common-lisp.net)
Yeah, once he's in the Unix group he can commit to the repository. Thanks, Erik.
Reading the cell-gtk development mailinglist it seems Peter is the most active maintainer of the project. Are you the de facto maintainer for this project now? If so, I'll make the changes (none visible to you) that indicates that you can make requests without the need for Kenny to approve. Thanks, Erik.
On Thursday 08 June 2006 11:37, Erik Enge wrote:
Reading the cell-gtk development mailinglist it seems Peter is the most active maintainer of the project. Are you the de facto maintainer for this project now? If so, I'll make the changes (none visible to you) that indicates that you can make requests without the need for Kenny to approve.
Yes I am the maintainer. "official" too, -- kenny sent the admins email in that regard, I think... though I can only find this message from Mario Mommer that references it. (attached).
Thanks, Erik.
-- - Best regards, Peter
participants (2)
Erik Enge
Peter Denno