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November 2012
- 1 participants
- 1 discussions
Author: rklochkov
Date: Fri Nov 9 19:49:04 2012
New Revision: 3
Added documentation
Added local package for clauses (macro-symbol ...)
Modified: package.lisp
--- package.lisp Thu Sep 20 05:54:30 2012 (r2)
+++ package.lisp Fri Nov 9 19:49:04 2012 (r3)
@@ -4,14 +4,17 @@
- #:def-symbol-readmacro
+ #:set-macro-symbol
+ #:get-macro-symbol
+ #:*extra-finders*
- #:push-local-nickname))
+ #:push-local-nickname
+ #:push-local-package))
Modified: src.lisp
--- src.lisp Thu Sep 20 05:54:30 2012 (r2)
+++ src.lisp Fri Nov 9 19:49:04 2012 (r3)
@@ -1,231 +1,316 @@
-(in-package #:advanced-readtable)
-;;; study virgin readtable
-(defmacro with-case (case &body body)
- (let ((save (gensym)))
- `(let ((,save (readtable-case *readtable*)))
- (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) ,case)
- (unwind-protect
- (progn ,@body)
- (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) ,save)))))
-(defun does-not-terminate-token-p (c)
- (ignore-errors
- (let ((str (format nil "a~Ab" c)))
- (string= str (symbol-name
- (with-case :preserve
- (read-from-string (format nil "#:~A" str))))))))
-(defun whitespace[2]-p (c)
- (ignore-errors
- (= 2 (length (read-from-string (format nil "(#:a~A#:b)" c))))))
-(defun multiple-escape-p (c)
- (ignore-errors
- (string= "qQ" (symbol-name
- (with-case :upcase
- (read-from-string (format nil "#:~AqQ~A" c c)))))))
-(defun single-escape-p (c)
- (ignore-errors
- (string= (symbol-name '#:\') (symbol-name
- (read-from-string (format nil "#:~A'" c))))))
-(defun macro-char-p (c)
- "If C is macro-char, return GET-MACRO-CHARACTER"
- #+allegro (unless
- (eql (get-macro-character c) #'excl::read-token)
- (get-macro-character c))
- #-allegro (get-macro-character c))
-(defun fill-char-table ()
- "Returns simple-vector with character syntax classes"
- (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
- (char-table (make-array 127)))
- (dotimes (i (length char-table))
- (let ((c (code-char i)))
- (setf
- (svref char-table i)
- (cond
- ((eql c #\:) :colon)
- ((macro-char-p c) :macro)
- ((does-not-terminate-token-p c) :does-not-terminate-token)
- ((whitespace[2]-p c) :whitespace[2])
- ((multiple-escape-p c) :multiple-escape)
- ((single-escape-p c) :single-escape)))))
- char-table))
-(defvar *advanced-readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-(defvar *colon-readtable* (copy-readtable nil)
- "Support readtable with colon as whitespace")
-;;; Readtable handlers
-(defpackage #:advanced-readtable.junk)
-(defun read-token (stream)
- "
-DO: Reads from STREAM a symbol or number up to whitespace or colon
-RETURN: symbols name or numbers value"
- (let ((*readtable* *colon-readtable*)
- (*package* (cl:find-package '#:advanced-readtable.junk)))
- (let ((sym (read-preserving-whitespace stream nil)))
- (if (symbolp sym)
- (prog1
- (symbol-name sym)
- (unintern sym))
- sym))))
-(defun count-colons (stream)
- "
-DO: Reads colons from STREAM
-RETURN: number of the colons"
- (let ((c (read-char stream nil)))
- (if (eql c #\:)
- (+ 1 (count-colons stream))
- (progn (unread-char c stream) 0))))
-(defvar *per-package-finders* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)
- "Hash package -> list of handlers")
-(defvar *package-finders* nil
- "List of handlers (lambda (name package) ...) -> package")
-(defun try-funcall (handlers-list name package)
- (declare (type list handlers-list)
- (type string name)
- (type (or null package) package))
- (when handlers-list
- (or (funcall (car handlers-list) name package)
- (try-funcall (cdr handlers-list) name package))))
-(defun find-package (name &optional (current-package *package*))
- (declare (type (or null package) current-package))
- (if (typep name 'package) name
- (let ((sname (string name)))
- (or (cl:find-package name)
- (when current-package
- (try-funcall (package-finders current-package) sname
- current-package))
- (try-funcall *package-finders* sname current-package)))))
-(defvar *package-symbol-finders* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)
- "Hash package -> list of handlers")
-(defvar *symbol-finders* nil
- "List of handlers (lambda (name package) ...) -> symbol")
-(defun find-symbol (name &optional dpackage)
- (declare (type string name))
- (let ((package (find-package dpackage)))
- (macrolet ((mv-or (&rest clauses)
- (if clauses
- `(multiple-value-bind (symbol status) ,(car clauses)
- (if symbol (values symbol status)
- (mv-or ,@(cdr clauses))))
- `(values nil nil))))
- (mv-or (if package
- (cl:find-symbol name package)
- (cl:find-symbol name))
- (when package
- (try-funcall (symbol-finders package) name package))
- (try-funcall *symbol-finders* name package)))))
-(defvar *symbol-readmacros* (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
-(defvar *disable-symbol-readmacro* nil
- "Disables processing of symbol-readmacro.")
-(defun def-symbol-readmacro (symbol func)
- (setf (gethash symbol *symbol-readmacros*) func))
-(defun process-symbol-readmacro (symbol stream)
- (let ((func (gethash symbol *symbol-readmacros*)))
- (if func (funcall func stream symbol) symbol)))
-(defun read-token-with-colons (stream char)
- "Reads token, then analize package part if needed"
- (unread-char char stream)
- (if *read-suppress* (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
- (read stream))
- (let* ((tok (read-token stream))
- ;; We have read something.
- ;; It may represent either symbol or package designator.
- ;; Looking after it: do we have a colon?
- (cnt (count-colons stream))
- (sym (if (= cnt 0)
- (if (stringp tok) (intern tok) tok)
- (let ((package (find-package tok *package*)))
- (assert package (package) "No package ~a" tok)
- (multiple-value-bind (symbol status)
- (find-symbol (read-token stream) package)
- (when (and (= cnt 1) (not (eq status :external)))
- (cerror "Use anyway"
- "Symbol ~A not external" symbol))
- symbol)))))
- (if (or *disable-symbol-readmacro*
- (not (symbolp sym)) (eql char #\|))
- sym
- (process-symbol-readmacro sym stream)))))
-;;; Prepare readtables
-(let (initialized)
- (defun activate (&optional force)
- "Inits *advanced-readtable* and *colon-readtable*."
- (when (or force (not initialized))
- (setq initialized t)
- (let ((char-table (fill-char-table)))
- (dotimes (i (length char-table))
- (let ((b (svref char-table i))
- (c (code-char i)))
- (unless (char= #\# c)
- (when (member b '(:does-not-terminate-token
- :multiple-escape :single-escape))
- ;; will make it non-terminating macro character
- ;; = potentially beginning of the package-name
- (set-macro-character c #'read-token-with-colons
- t *advanced-readtable*))))))
- (set-syntax-from-char #\: #\Space *colon-readtable* *colon-readtable*))
- (setf *readtable* *advanced-readtable*)))
-(defun ! () (activate))
-(defun (setf package-finders) (value &optional (package *package*))
- (setf (gethash package *per-package-finders*) value))
-(defun package-finders (&optional (package *package*))
- (gethash package *per-package-finders*))
-(defun (setf symbol-finders) (value &optional (package *package*))
- (setf (gethash package *package-symbol-finders*) value))
-(defun symbol-finders (&optional (package *package*))
- (gethash package *package-symbol-finders*))
-(defun push-import-prefix (package prefix)
- (push (lambda (name package)
- (declare (ignore package))
- (cl:find-package (concatenate 'string prefix "." name)))
- (package-finders package)))
-(defun push-local-nickname (long-package nick
- &optional (current-package *package*))
- (let ((long-name (package-name (find-package long-package))))
- (push (lambda (name package)
- (declare (ignore package))
- (when (string= name (string nick)) long-name))
- (package-finders current-package))))
\ No newline at end of file
+(in-package #:advanced-readtable)
+;;; study virgin readtable
+(defmacro with-case (case &body body)
+ (let ((save (gensym)))
+ `(let ((,save (readtable-case *readtable*)))
+ (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) ,case)
+ (unwind-protect
+ (progn ,@body)
+ (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) ,save)))))
+(defun does-not-terminate-token-p (c)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (let ((str (format nil "a~Ab" c)))
+ (string= str (symbol-name
+ (with-case :preserve
+ (read-from-string (format nil "#:~A" str))))))))
+(defun whitespace[2]-p (c)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (= 2 (length (read-from-string (format nil "(#:a~A#:b)" c))))))
+(defun multiple-escape-p (c)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (string= "qQ" (symbol-name
+ (with-case :upcase
+ (read-from-string (format nil "#:~AqQ~A" c c)))))))
+(defun single-escape-p (c)
+ (ignore-errors
+ (string= (symbol-name '#:\ ) (symbol-name
+ (read-from-string (format nil "#:~A'" c))))))
+(defun macro-char-p (c)
+ "If C is macro-char, return GET-MACRO-CHARACTER"
+ #+allegro (unless
+ (eql (get-macro-character c) #'excl::read-token)
+ (get-macro-character c))
+ #-allegro (get-macro-character c))
+(defun fill-char-table ()
+ "Returns simple-vector with character syntax classes"
+ (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+ (char-table (make-array 127)))
+ (dotimes (i (length char-table))
+ (let ((c (code-char i)))
+ (setf
+ (svref char-table i)
+ (cond
+ ((eql c #\:) :colon)
+ ((macro-char-p c) :macro)
+ ((does-not-terminate-token-p c) :does-not-terminate-token)
+ ((whitespace[2]-p c) :whitespace[2])
+ ((multiple-escape-p c) :multiple-escape)
+ ((single-escape-p c) :single-escape)))))
+ char-table))
+(defvar *advanced-readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+(defvar *colon-readtable* (copy-readtable nil)
+ "Support readtable with colon as whitespace")
+;;; Readtable handlers
+(defpackage #:advanced-readtable.junk)
+(defun read-token (stream)
+ "
+DO: Reads from STREAM a symbol or number up to whitespace or colon
+RETURN: symbols name or numbers value"
+ (let ((*readtable* *colon-readtable*)
+ (*package* (cl:find-package '#:advanced-readtable.junk)))
+ (let ((sym (read-preserving-whitespace stream nil)))
+ (if (symbolp sym)
+ (prog1
+ (symbol-name sym)
+ (unintern sym))
+ sym))))
+(defun count-colons (stream)
+ "
+DO: Reads colons from STREAM
+RETURN: number of the colons"
+ (let ((c (read-char stream nil)))
+ (if (eql c #\:)
+ (+ 1 (count-colons stream))
+ (progn (unread-char c stream) 0))))
+(defvar *per-package-finders* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)
+ "Hash package -> list of handlers")
+(defvar *package-finders* nil
+ "List of handlers (lambda (name package) ...) -> package")
+(defun try-funcall (handlers-list name package)
+ (declare (type list handlers-list)
+ (type string name)
+ (type (or null package) package))
+ (when handlers-list
+ (or (funcall (car handlers-list) name package)
+ (try-funcall (cdr handlers-list) name package))))
+(defun find-package (name &optional (current-package *package*))
+ (declare (type (or null package) current-package))
+ (if (typep name 'package) name
+ (let ((sname (string name)))
+ (or
+ (when current-package
+ (try-funcall (package-finders current-package) sname current-package))
+ (try-funcall *package-finders* sname current-package)
+ (cl:find-package name)))))
+(defvar *package-symbol-finders* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)
+ "Hash package -> list of handlers")
+(defvar *symbol-finders* nil
+ "List of handlers (lambda (name package) ...) -> symbol")
+(defvar *extra-finders* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)
+ "Hash symbol -> list of handlers (lambda (name package) ...) -> symbol
+These will be used before CL:FIND-SYMBOL")
+(defvar *symbol-readmacros* (make-hash-table :test 'eq))
+(defvar *disable-symbol-readmacro* nil
+ "Disables processing of symbol-readmacro.")
+(defun def-symbol-readmacro (symbol func)
+ (setf (gethash symbol *symbol-readmacros*) func))
+(defun set-macro-symbol (symbol func)
+ "Syntax is like set-macro-character,
+except that FUNC is binded to SYMBOL, not character"
+ (setf (gethash symbol *symbol-readmacros*) func))
+(defun get-macro-symbol (symbol)
+ "Syntax is like get-macro-character.
+Returns function, assigned by set-macro-symbol"
+ (gethash symbol *symbol-readmacros*))
+(defun process-symbol-readmacro (symbol stream)
+ (let ((func (gethash symbol *symbol-readmacros*)))
+ (if func (funcall func stream symbol) symbol)))
+(defvar %*extra-symbol-finders* nil "List of handlers: handlers for symbol, car of list")
+(defvar %*car-list* nil "Boolean: iff reader in list and car is not read")
+(defun find-symbol (name &optional dpackage)
+ (declare (type string name))
+ (let ((package (find-package dpackage)))
+ (macrolet ((mv-or (&rest clauses)
+ (if clauses
+ `(multiple-value-bind (symbol status) ,(car clauses)
+ (if symbol (values symbol status)
+ (mv-or ,@(cdr clauses))))
+ `(values nil nil))))
+ (mv-or
+ (try-funcall %*extra-symbol-finders* name package)
+ (when package (try-funcall (symbol-finders package) name package))
+ (try-funcall *symbol-finders* name package)
+ (when package (cl:find-symbol name package))
+ (cl:find-symbol name)))))
+(defun read-token-with-colons (stream char)
+ "Reads token, then analize package part if needed"
+ (unread-char char stream)
+ (if *read-suppress* (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+ (read stream))
+ (let* ((tok (read-token stream))
+ ;; We have read something.
+ ;; It may represent either symbol or package designator.
+ ;; Looking after it: do we have a colon?
+ (cnt (count-colons stream))
+ (sym (if (= cnt 0)
+ (if (stringp tok) (or (find-symbol tok) (intern tok)) tok)
+ (let ((package (find-package tok *package*)))
+ (assert package (package) "No package ~a" tok)
+ (multiple-value-bind (symbol status)
+ (find-symbol (read-token stream) package)
+ (when (and (= cnt 1) (not (eq status :external)))
+ (cerror "Use anyway"
+ "Symbol ~A not external" symbol))
+ symbol)))))
+ (let ((res (if (or *disable-symbol-readmacro*
+ (not (symbolp sym)) (eql char #\|))
+ sym
+ (process-symbol-readmacro sym stream))))
+ (when %*car-list*
+ (setf %*car-list* nil)
+ (when (and (symbolp res) (not (eql char #\|)))
+ (setf %*extra-symbol-finders*
+ (append (extra-finders res) %*extra-symbol-finders*))))
+ res))))
+(let ((default-open-paren-reader (get-macro-character #\( (copy-readtable nil))))
+ (defun open-paren-reader (stream char)
+ (let ((%*car-list* t) (%*extra-symbol-finders* %*extra-symbol-finders*))
+ (funcall default-open-paren-reader stream char))))
+;;; Prepare readtables
+(let (initialized)
+ (defun activate (&optional force)
+ "Inits *advanced-readtable* and *colon-readtable*."
+ (when (or force (not initialized))
+ (setq initialized t)
+ (let ((char-table (fill-char-table)))
+ (dotimes (i (length char-table))
+ (let ((b (svref char-table i))
+ (c (code-char i)))
+ (unless (char= #\# c)
+ (when (member b '(:does-not-terminate-token
+ :multiple-escape :single-escape))
+ ;; will make it non-terminating macro character
+ ;; = potentially beginning of the package-name
+ (set-macro-character c #'read-token-with-colons
+ t *advanced-readtable*))))))
+ (set-syntax-from-char #\: #\Space *colon-readtable* *colon-readtable*)
+ (set-macro-character #\( #'open-paren-reader))
+ (setf *readtable* *advanced-readtable*)))
+(defun ! () (activate))
+(defun (setf package-finders) (value &optional (package *package*))
+ (setf (gethash (find-package package) *per-package-finders*) value))
+(defun package-finders (&optional (package *package*))
+ (gethash (find-package package) *per-package-finders*))
+(defun (setf symbol-finders) (value &optional (package *package*))
+ (setf (gethash (find-package package) *package-symbol-finders*) value))
+(defun symbol-finders (&optional (package *package*))
+ (gethash (find-package package) *package-symbol-finders*))
+(defun (setf extra-finders) (value symbol)
+ (setf (gethash symbol *extra-finders*) value))
+(defun extra-finders (symbol)
+ (gethash symbol *extra-finders*))
+(defun push-import-prefix (prefix &optional (package *package*))
+ "Enables using package name omitting prefix.
+For example, you have packages com.clearly-useful.iterator-protocol, com.clearly-useful.reducers, ...
+You may use them as
+ (push-import-prefix :com.clearly-useful)
+ (iterator-protocol:do-iterator ...)
+ (reducers:r/map #'1+ data)
+and so on.
+Package prefix is enabled per package so it is safe to use it in your package.
+If there is package, which name coincides with shortcut, package name has priority.
+So, if you make
+ (defpackage :reducers ...)
+after that reducers:... will refer to new package, not com.clearly-useful.reducers.
+ (push (lambda (name package)
+ (declare (ignore package))
+ (or (cl:find-package name)
+ (cl:find-package (concatenate 'string prefix "." name))))
+ (package-finders package)))
+(defun push-local-nickname (long-package nick
+ &optional (current-package *package*))
+ "Enables package nickname in CURRENT-PACKAGE.
+For example, you found COM.INFORMATIMAGO.COMMON-LISP.CESARUM.LIST package and want to use
+it. But don't want to USE-PACKAGE them, because some exported symbols from it are clashing
+with yours.
+You may do it right:
+ (push-local-nickname :com.informatimago.common-lisp.cesarum.list :ilist)
+ (ilist:circular-length l)
+Local-nicknames are local, so you may use it freely.
+Local-nickname shadows any package, which name is NICK, so if package A wants
+package LIB version 1, and package B wants package LIB version 2, one can simply
+rename LIB version 1 to LIB1 and make
+ (push-local-nickname :lib1 :lib :a)
+ (let ((dpackage (find-package long-package)))
+ (push (lambda (name package)
+ (declare (ignore package))
+ (when (string= name (string nick)) dpackage))
+ (package-finders current-package))))
+(defun push-local-package (symbol local-package)
+ "Sets local-package for a symbol. Many macroses use the own clauses.
+For example, ITERATE uses FOR, COLLECT and so on.
+If you don't want to USE-PACKAGE iterate, this function will help.
+ (push-local-package 'iter:iter :iterate)
+ (iter:iter (for i from 1 to 10) (collect i))
+Caution: this function enables package substitution in all cases,
+where SYMBOL is the car of a list.
+For example, this will be error:
+ (let (iter:iter for) (list iter:iter for))
+, because first for is in ITERATE package, but second -- is not.
+ (let ((dpackage (find-package local-package)))
+ (push (lambda (name package)
+ (declare (ignore package))
+ (cl:find-symbol name dpackage))
+ (extra-finders symbol))))
\ No newline at end of file