Hi Bill,
Thanks. Brian is working on making trivial-http available through
ASDF-Install again. In the meantime, you can check it out by hand
using subversion:
> svn co svn://unmutual.info/trivial-http
My apologies. I've been meaning to document this and just hadn't done
it yet.
Thanks for taking the time to point it out to me,
On Jan 6, 2006, at 1:28 AM, Bill Clementson wrote:
> Hi Gary,
> I attempted to install your two ASDF utilities the other day but
> wasn't successful in building asdf-install-tester due to the
> unavailability of trivial-http. I believe Brian Mastenbrook's server
> has been out of action for a while now - are you aware of any other
> location for his trivial-http package (which asdf-install-tester
> requires)?
> Cheers,
> Bill
Gary Warren King
Just to keep you posted, I'm still not sure what goes wrong when asdf-
install tries to read the ASD file for Albert while testing. When I try:
sbcl --load "startup.lisp"
I get a simple-error. The error occurs within the error handler that
AIT wraps around the call to ASDF-Install but doesn't seem to be
catching the error. That's probably a misdiagnosis and I'll look into
more soon.
Gary Warren King
Hi Humberto,
Thanks for this report. I've reproduced it to some extent here under
OS X. I think that the error occurs before I have error handlers set
up and that's why things get confused. I'm not sure why the main SBCL
would go south. In any case, I'll take a look and get back to you
later tonight.
AIT now has it's own mailing lists (thanks to Common-Lisp.net)
On Jan 5, 2006, at 4:14 PM, Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga wrote:
> I'm still having trouble with AIT. Running (ait:main) yeilds the
> following error:
> (:install "albert" :start "2006-01-05 17:08:57"
> :lisp :SBCL :host-lisp-version "" :host-implementation
> "sbcl-"
> ALBERT : 1:result 1
> Character decoding error in a #|-comment at position 65 reading
> source file #<FD-STREAM for "file
> /home/humberto/temporary/asdf-test/input/sbcl/site-systems/
> albert.asd" {C765EC9}>, resyncing.
> :end "2006-01-05 17:09:41"
> )
> The main sbcl then eats 100% CPU until I kill it.
> Running the startup.lisp for albert by hand works. I guess it's a
> problem with the parser for extracting information from the asd file?
> --
> Humberto Ortiz Zuazaga
> Programmer-Archaeologist
> High Performance Computing facility
> University of Puerto Rico
> http://www.hpcf.upr.edu/~humberto/
Gary Warren King